[Case Study] How To Get Your Body Ready To Make A Baby

One question I get a lot is: “What can I do to get pregnant and have a healthy baby?"

And the answer is: Find out what’s stopping you and then consistently take lots of tiny steps that are right for you.

Here's a case study from one of my Plan Yourself Pregnant Members.

When I met my client she was frustrated, disappointed and overwhelmed.

She’d been to see countless doctors, had a failed IVF cycle and a miscarriage. She had been trying for a baby for 3 years and wasn’t sure what else to do.

The problem was that she went for IVF before first figuring out why she wasn’t getting pregnant naturally. Her body wasn’t ready for pregnancy naturally and so it also didn’t work when she tried IVF.

A western doctor will assess all kinds of factors, which are extremely useful to know. But they disregard other fertility signs and symptoms that can be vital to getting pregnant and staying pregnant.

Here’s what we did:

  1. Assessed her western tests, hormones and treatments.

  2. Identified her Fertility Blockers, which include hundreds of fertility signs and symptoms that make up the big picture of why she was not getting pregnant.

  3. Worked out her goals, the exact steps she needed to take and what she needed for success.

  4. Created a Personal Plan that helped her to stay on track and not feel overwhelmed.

  5. Had regular check-ins to adjust her plan as her signs and symptoms changed.

Over the past 3 months, my client has been diligently working on her plan. Taking small steps on a regular basis and seeing an amazing transformation.

Each month she used to have long cycles, painful periods, ovulation pain, sore breasts for 2 weeks, regular headaches and no cervical fluid. Her body basal temperatures were low, she felt the cold and her hands and feet were always cold.

She was overweight and found it difficult to lose weight. One of the biggest problems was that she hadn’t had a full night’s sleep in over 3 years and she would wake up throughout the night and find it hard to get back to sleep.

After 3 months she now has:

  • A regular cycle, which is important to make sure her eggs are developing properly and in the right place at the right time for fertilisation and implantation.

  • Almost no period pain and no pain at ovulation, which shows that her blood and fluids are flowing correctly.

  • Several days of egg white cervical fluid, which is important to help protect sperm and help it to spiral upwards towards the egg and support fertilisation.

  • Only 1-2 days of sore breasts and one headache that immediately went after I showed her a technique to shift it. These improvements indicate that her hormones are more balanced.

  • Higher body basal temperatures in her luteal phase, which show her progesterone levels are high enough for pregnancy.

  • She no longer feels the cold, which means her circulation has improved and this will help bring more blood and nutrients to her womb and ovaries.

  • Within a couple of weeks, she was getting deep rejuvenated sleep all night, every night. This one change has completely changed her life. She has more energy, sleep has helped to balance her hormones and she’s not craving carbs and sweet food to make up for being tired.

  • She is working towards her goal weight in a sustainable way. And when she gets to her goal, she will start trying again.

She is motivated to keep taking small consistent steps because she can see her body becoming more fertile. The best change is that she’s excited and confident that she will be pregnant soon.

I’m confident too because I’ve seen this happen many times before. First work on getting your body ready for a baby and then it has a much better chance of happening.

Rachel Bolton

My team and I help couples around the world to optimise their fertility and get pregnant.

We get to the root cause of fertility challenges and support couples to have healthy babies, even when doctors have told them they have a 0% chance.

We empower women to get clarity, take action and believe in themselves, as they prepare for pregnancy, get pregnant and have babies.


[Inspiration Inside] You Can Do This!


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