Plan Yourself Pregnant

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Christmas Treats

How are you planning to have fun and increase your fertility this Christmas? Will you be rigidly sticking to your fertility diet, will you let loose and indulge in Christmas treats or somewhere in between?

The problem with being super strict with yourself is that it can be hard work, you can feel like you’re missing out and end up feeling miserable.

The problem with completely falling off the wagon is that suddenly having lots of sugar, alcohol or wheat could make you feel awful both physically and mentally.

The answer is to find that place in between.

I teach the 80/20 rule, which is aiming for 80% healthy choices and 20% treats.

When you consciously decide that you’ll have 20% treats, then this is part of your plan and you don’t feel guilty. Plus you don’t fall off the wagon and binge because you don’t feel deprived.

However, if you have allergies or a medical condition that means it’s harmful to have certain treats, then the kindest choice is to stick to what works for your body.

There are ways of having treats that minimise the toxins. Here are a few ideas:

  • Drink organic wine that is sulphite free.

  • Drink one glass, not one bottle.

  • Drink a glass of vodka or gin with soda and lime.

  • Drink coconut water or beetroot juice from a wine glass.

  • Make your own sugar-free, wheat-free treats.

  • If you’re spending Christmas away with family, then take some of your own food, or let them know what you want to avoid.

  • When you do have treats, then reset yourself the following morning with warm lemon water and some milk thistle.

Enjoy Christmas, being with your family and properly relaxing. Let yourself go a little. You work so hard all the time. This is your time to take a break.

When we let go and create space, we make room for something new.

Have a very happy Christmas!