Plan Yourself Pregnant

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What If You Don’t Feel Like A Fertility Hero?

Have you been struggling to get pregnant and don’t feel heroic at all?

Yup. Me too. I remember when I was trying to get pregnant and I used to compare myself to other people all the time. Look at the girl from the office who wasn’t even trying and got pregnant instantly. At the time, I couldn’t help but compare myself because it’s human nature, right? That’s what we naturally do.

It didn’t seem fair that I had crazy cycles and painful periods. My periods would physically floor me and stop me from doing anything because they were so intense. I wondered how I was going to get pregnant when my body wasn't fertile.

I definitely didn't feel like a Fertility Hero.

Since this time, I've learnt many mindset tools to change my state even when I'm feeling down.

Let me guide you through a simple process where you will feel stronger and braver in three easy steps.

Step 1. Acknowledge

Take a deep breath and acknowledge how you feel in this moment. Tune into your body, your breath and your emotions. Allow yourself to feel what you feel. Make space for what is present.

Put one hand on your heart and one hand on your womb. Feel your body.

Step 2. Listen

Lean in and hear me whisper in your ear.“You are stronger than you know.”

“You’ve got this and good things are coming your way.”These were the words that I would tell myself over and over again. Then something switched in my brain and I started believing it.

Take a deep breath and let these words sink in. “You are stronger than you know. You’ve got this and good things are coming your way.”Feel a tiny light spark in your body as you repeat those words to yourself. Over and over. Now take another deep breath.

Step 3. Remember

Next, remember a time when you did something that was hard and nobody thought you could do it, but you did it anyway. Play that memory through in your head and feel the feeling of success. See everyone cheering, as you stepped into your brilliance and smashed your goal.

Feel strength, courage and determination growing in your body.

Take another deep breath and let those feelings set in.

Feel the sensations of success expand in your body.

Can You See That You Are A Fertility Hero?

You have all that strength and courage within. When you're having a tough day, step through this process, acknowledge your feelings and then tune into that power within you. Remember the time you succeeded at something hard, and borrow that feeling of success to fuel you now.

You’ve got this. Step up to the challenges you face today and stand strong. Now you know what to do if you don't feel like a Fertility Hero, your next step is to find out which Fertility Hero you are in the Quiz.