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Your Mother's Day Gift When Your Not Yet Pregnant

It’s hard to know what to do with yourself on Mother’s Day when being a mum is what you think about every day.

Here are 6 actions to take on Mother’s Day when you’re not a mum yet.

1. Celebrate Other Mums

Mother’s Day can be twice the challenge if your mum has passed or you have a difficult relationship with her.

If she’s passed, then find a way to honour her on this day. If you have a difficult relationship and it’s too hard to celebrate your mum, then celebrate another woman in your life who is like a mother. Make her day by writing a card, or sending something she'd like. 

2. Celebrate Your Mum

It can be hard to celebrate when you’re feeling sad. Find a way to honour your own feelings, allow yourself to be sad and be grateful for your mum at the same time. Gratitude is one of the best ways to crack open your heart and connect to joy.

Think about the moments in your life when your mum put you first, nursed you when you were unwell or made your favourite food. Celebrate your mum and show her how much you appreciate her.

3. Feel Your Emotions

Mother’s Day can feel like going to x3 baby showers in one day. It’s emotionally triggering because you’re reminded that you’re not a mum yet. 

Allow yourself to really feel whatever emotions come up for you. When you can fully process your emotions then they stop being so intense. If you’re able to make space for them and acknowledge them, then you’ll feel much better.

4. Make A Plan

Try to catch yourself as soon as the ‘what if’ questions or the ‘if only’ statements creep in. They are not helpful, they make you feel worse and they don’t get you to where you want to be.

5. Eat In

Going out on Mother’s Day whether you’re a mum or not is never a great idea because every restaurant, cafe and bar is packed full of families taking their mum out for lunch. Like Valentine's day dinner, it’s one to do differently if you want to avoid the crowds.

Instead of going out, eat in. Get your man to cook for you, invite over your best friends or cook for your mum.

6. Be Kind To Yourself

Mother’s Day can feel just like the day you get your period. You can sink into sadness. Prepare for what might happen by planning some wholesome self-care activities. 

Plan twice as much self-care as normal. Book a massage, do some yoga, listen to a meditation, take a bath, read a book or have breakfast in bed. What is the most decadent thing you could do to celebrate you and the mother that you already are?