Plan Yourself Pregnant

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Your Plan To Get Pregnant

Seriously. I love having a plan. I love everything about it. The strategy, mapping it out, implementing it and then succeeding.

When I don’t have a plan I get a bit freaked out. I worry. I feel lost. I’m not productive. I waste time.

And when I’ve got a plan in place, I feel relaxed. I can breathe. I know where I’m going. Even if it doesn’t happen exactly how I envisaged it. It doesn’t matter. I can be flexible and the plan can change if it needs to. But I need a plan.

Having a plan helps me to get clear on the direction that I’m going. All the doubt and worry and fear goes away when I have a plan.

Take Christmas for example.

I’m relaxed now that I know where we’re going, when we’re going and who we’re seeing. I can relax when I know that I have all the presents and they’re all wrapped up.

It’s not a surprise that I called my business Plan Yourself Pregnant because I want to help you create a plan. I want you to feel relaxed and confident that you’re on the right path to pregnancy.

When you have a plan you can lean in, breathe and feel supported. You can trust that it is going to happen.

Here are some steps to making your plan:

  1. Work out why you’re not getting pregnant. Get your blood work done and find out if you’re ovulating and if your hormones are balanced. Investigate further to check if you have an infertility condition. And get empowered to understand your body and its fertility signs.

  2. Reduce stress, prioritise yourself overwork and get a solid self-care routine that helps you to stay relaxed.

  3. Take steps to improve your fertility naturally. Eat natural home-cooked food, stop at one glass of wine or coffee, exercise to increase blood flow to your ovaries and keep cortisol balanced.

  4. Get the emotional and mental support that you need. If your husband, friends and family don’t get it, then find a community that does. Find a community you can pour your heart out to, feel safe and supported.

  5. Make love to your partner, instead of just having sex to get pregnant. Focus on finding pleasure, joy and fun.

There are steps and there is a system. This is what it looks like: